Saturday, February 22, 2020

American Identity Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Identity Paper - Essay Example e people live in a well established society and it carries all the negative aspects whereas in America the society is not well established and whatever it has, it displays more of positive aspects. In the very outset of the letter the author makes it clear that there is not much of disparity between the rich and the poor in America as the poor and the rich are far removed from each other in Europe; for him, one can find in America â€Å"no aristocratical families, no courts, no kings, no bishops, no ecclesiastical dominion, no invisible power giving to a few a very visible one; no great manufacturers employing thousands, no great refinements of luxury in Europe† (Crevecoeur, p.49). In America people are after the primary needs of the society whereas in Europe people have already achieved the primary needs and they are after the secondary or tertiary needs of the society. In America all are equipped with ‘the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained’ (Crevecoeur, p.50). As the Americans have no superiors to work for, they work for themselves and everyone adheres to the common goodness. No castles and no proud mansions can be seen here: on t he other way the perfect living of both cattle and men are here. J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur considers an American as â€Å"a new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions. From involuntary idleness, servile dependence, penury, and useless labour, he has passed toils of a very different nature, rewarded by ample subsistence† (Crevecoeur, p.56). The life in the British colonies of the North America had contributed a lot to the unique identity of the American people. In the British North American colonies people migrated from various places like England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Denmark, Germany, and Sweden. In each and every place of the colonies people had different attitudes, aspects, and notions too. When these mixtures of people joined together

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Cross Culture Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Cross Culture Management - Essay Example Hofstede’s culture model entails four dimensions that are critical in differentiating the national and organization culture. The dimensions include the masculinity versus femininity index (MAS), the individualism versus collectivism index (IDV), power distance index (PDI) and uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) (Cullen and Parboteeah 51).The masculinity refers to the degree to which the society maintains the distinction of traditional male and female roles. The individualism versus collectivism dimension refers to how the cultural values promote ties between the people and processes of decision-making (Cullen and Parboteeah 51). The power distance index (PDI) refers to the degree inequality is evident in the society especially in the distribution of power while the uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) refers to ability of the members of the society to anticipate uncertainty such as taking risk, engaging in conflicts and stability of laws and governance (Cullen and Parboteeah 51). The power distance index refers to the power distribution in the society and degree of inequality that exists (Cullen and Parboteeah 52). Chinese culture has a high power distance index unlike American culture that has low power distance index. This means that inequalities are high in Chinese culture as there are well-defined social classes and status in the society (Cullen and Parboteeah 52). On the other hand, the low power distance in American culture means that power is dispersed and shared. In China, the organizations have a centralized control, high hierarchies, and long chain of command. The members of Chinese companies acknowledge and show high respect to the leaders’ power and decision-making takes place at close-door meetings at the top management level. In American culture, the organizations advocate for decentralization of power and authority